Sedation Dentistry Options That Will Transform Your Treatment Experience

Dental anxiety can cause you to avoid receiving treatments you desperately need to maintain your oral health. It’s a common condition that can develop as the result of a traumatic experience at the dentist or because of a general anxiety disorder. Fortunately, the kind and empathetic team at Advanced Dental Techniques knows how to minimize your discomfort and fear so you can finally get the oral care you require. We offer several different sedation dentistry options and will gladly help you choose the most appropriate type for your needs.


Sedation Dentistry Options We Offer

Once we understand your unique situation better, we’ll recommend one of the three following sedation types for your visit:

  • Local anesthetic
  • Oral sedation
  • Nitrous oxide

Local anesthetic is the most common type we use, and it’s delivered through a syringe to the specific area receiving treatment. It only lasts a couple of hours in most cases, so you should be able to return to your normal daily activities without any problems soon after your appointment. Needle-free anesthesia is available for those who have a fear of needles.


Oral sedation is a unique type of sedation because it is designed to be taken before your appointment. It comes in pill form and your dentist will give you instructions about how and when to take it. Oral sedation relaxes you without putting you completely to sleep, so you can respond to verbal cues from Dr. Laurence Breiterman throughout treatment. You will need to have someone drive you home from your appointment because the effects of oral sedation can take hours to wear off completely.


Nitrous oxide is an odorless gas that’s commonly used to create feelings of euphoria during treatment. It’s administered through a mask and the effects wear off rapidly once the mask is removed.


Contact Us

If you’re overdue for a dental checkup or procedure, contact our practice in Wayne, NJ and schedule your sedation dentistry appointment. You’ll be amazed just how comfortable dental treatment can be with the help of sedation.


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